Experience Paid Package Experiences in Fiji

Civa Pearl Farm

Visit Civa Pearl Farm, located approximately 7 miles west of Matangi Island in the pristine waters of Wailoa Lagoon on Taveuni Island's windward side. Enjoy an informative presentation by owner Claude Prevost and learn how he seeds, cares for, and harvests his pearls. Pearls and authentic jewellery handmade by Danielle Prevost are available for sale on-site. The farm's surrounding pristine turquoise waters, thriving with marine life, offer a memorable snorkelling experience.

Non Complimentary

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*All prices are listed in $USD excl Tax.

Information & Reservations

+679 778 0061

Check-In: 12:00pm

Check-Out: 10:00am

Office hours 6am - 6pm (GMT+12).